
York University Toronto – Summer School 2020

York University Toronto – Summer School 2020

ماليزيا 09 مارس 2020
فرصة منح

فرصة منح

جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

تفاصيل الفرصة

المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
البلد المضيف
آخر موعد للتقديم
09 مارس 2020
المستوى التعليمي
نوع الفرصة
تمويل الفرصة
تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق

Anyone with a background in Computer Science, Math, Engineering or Psychology and a strong interest in pursuing graduate studies in the subject is encouraged to apply. Even though admission is competitive, with most of their  attendees having a GPA’s in the A range, students that don’t have exceptional grades but have other strengths, such as laboratory experience or excellent quantitative skills are encouraged to apply.

Applicants from all over the world are accepted, however the program covers only a portion of the travel expenses (up to USD 980), if the cost of travel exceed allocated amount, the applicant will be responsible for paying the remainder of their travel expenses. All applicants will have available on-campus accommodation which includes meals (attendees can modify their meals based on their allergies and dietary restrictions).

You can send your application online. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 March 2020. For any further information on the application process, please check the offical webiste.

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