
University of Oslo Winter School - New Trends in Contemporary Social Theory, 11-14 February 2019, Norway

University of Oslo Winter School - New Trends in Contemporary Social Theory, 11-14 February 2019, Norway

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المكافأة الإجمالية
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آخر موعد للتقديم
14 جانفي 2019
المستوى التعليمي
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تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق

New trends in contemporary social theory

Course content

The course focuses on contemporary sociological and social theory. It aims to introduce the participants to a broad range of recent theoretical developments in the field of sociology and social theory. The course will trace key discourses, debates and controversies between and across these developments. It will situate these developments in relation to sociological and social theoretical traditions and concepts, and it will boost the participants' ability to relate these theoretical developments to relevant empirical social, cultural and political contexts.

Course leaders:

Cathrine Holst, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Bjørn Schiermer, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University


Cathrine Holst, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Bjørn Schiermer, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Oslo University

Christian Borch, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School.

Anne-Jorunn Berg, Centre for Gender Research, Oslo University

Kristin Asdal, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, Oslo University

Ove Skarpenes, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder


Anders Blok, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Learning outcome

The participants will learn to use the theories offered on the course on proper empirical work/investigations on the basis of lectures offered by experts on the respective theoretical fields, mandatory readings of preselected and pre-circulated texts, presentation and discussion of work in progress in relation to the theory presented on the course, and the preparation of a 8000 word paper on the basis of the course. They will choose focus according to empirical interests and subject area of thesis - in dialogue with the two instructors.

On completion of the course, the students will possess an overview of key-issues, concepts and controversies across a number of recent developments in sociology and social theory; they will be able to understand the critical impetus of the presented theories in regards to the sociological tradition and to sociological and social theoretical understandings of critique, of justification, of feminism and of the social; but most importantly, they will possess an understanding of the different empirical potentials and possibilities entailed in the presented theories, and thus be capable of critically reflecting on theoretical choices and possibilities in relation to their proper PhD projects (in relation to the presented theories).


The course is open to all PhD-students who want to work with recent sociological theory in their thesis and/or seek an up-to-date introduction to recent important developments in sociology and social theory.


The entire five-day event makes up the Ph.D.-course, with the equivalent of 7 credits. For approval you need to be an active participant throughout the course, be present on all days, read the curriculum, make a short presentation and write an 8000-word paper (ideally a first draft of an article or a thesis chapter). The paper must be based on or dialogue with (some of) the theories and texts discussed at the course. To pass the course, the paper must be approved by the two course leaders and sent them both by the deadline which is 4th March 2019.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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