
Summer School - Lean Startup  Strategy Design, 15 - 26 July 2019, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands

Summer School - Lean Startup Strategy Design, 15 - 26 July 2019, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands

تفاصيل الفرصة

المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
آخر موعد للتقديم
29 ماي 2019
المستوى التعليمي
نوع الفرصة
تمويل الفرصة
تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق

Lean Startup & Strategy Design

The course is suitable for addressing entrepreneurial challenges at startups and for intrapreneurial challenges in mature firms. It is divided into two components a) apply lean startup methods to a new value proposition and, b) explore strategy design for managing disruptive change in mature businesses. Both components are hands-on experiential learning programs including relevant theory and knowledge.

Key Concepts: Business model generation, Lean Startup, Value proposition design, Agility, Disruptive innovation, Managing disruptive change, Strategy design.

In Strategy Design you will explore organisational approaches to managing innovation and agility with two illustrative case studies and address the strategic challenge of a business described in a third case study to reposition the legacy disrupted business using the methods of business strategy design. Each morning you will discuss business case studies read the day before and go step-by-step through the visual strategy design process to transform a legacy business.

In Disciplined Startup Founder you will get outside the building to talk to real customers when seeking to validate customer problem and value proposition hypotheses. Each afternoon you will meet with the class and mentor to report on validated learning from talking to customers the day before. In iterative steps we will work towards a problem-solution fit.

Course director

Prof. dr. Lex van Teeffelen


Robert de Bruijn, MBA

Target audience

Innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs, working in a professional business environment or studying. You are either in the last phase of a bachelor, a master degree or have a few years work experience and are interested in learning how to help your company accelerate innovation and growth.

Course aim

We aim to make you conversant with the cutting edge in process and business 'technology' of lean entrepreneurship and strategy design.

Study load

Approximately 80 hours (9 days). An average day will consist of both case discussion, hands-on workshops, mentor feedback and getting out the building.


Course fee
€ 900.00
Housing fee
€ 350.00

Housing through Utrecht Summer School


For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying:

  •  Motivation Letter

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

مؤسسات أخرى

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اختر البلد الذي توّد السفر إليه للدراسة مجانا أو العمل أو التطوع

كلمات دلالية

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