
Procter & Gamble Digitalization Internship/Traineeship in the Czech Republic

Procter & Gamble Digitalization Internship/Traineeship in the Czech Republic

Washington D.C. On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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0 $
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On going
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Full funding
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Do you love diving into data sets? Would you enjoy telling stories and helping others see the benefit of data-based decision-making? P&G is passionate about understanding data and want more people who know how to use that data in the best way to guide our decisions. Are you up for the challenge?

The project is executed in the FMCG manufacturing facility. The project scope is to understand the current digitization level of the manufacturing and work through IOT platforms on increasing productivity and process flows. The objective is to develop and pilot the most recent digital solutions which will be reimplemented in other P&G factories all over the globe. 

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