
Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan

Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan

Texas State University

Texas State University

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24 Apr 2024
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The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Research Programs is accepting applications for the Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan program. This program aims to promote Japan studies in the United States, to encourage U.S.- Japanese scholarly exchange, and to support the next generation of Japan scholars in the U.S. These fellowships are for individual researchers with advanced Japanese language skills whose research will require using data, sources, documents, onsite interviews, or other direct contact in Japanese. Fellows may undertake their projects in Japan, the United States, or both, and may include work in other countries for comparative purposes. Research should contribute to scholarly knowledge or to the general public's understanding of issues of concern to Japan and the United States. Appropriate disciplines include anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Awards usually result in articles, monographs, books, e-books, digital materials, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources. This fellowship is for a period of six to twelve months and comes with a stipend of $5,000 per month, for a maximum of $60,000. Successful applicants will be awarded outright funds.

Discipline: Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Applicants must: be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals who have been living in the U.S. for at least 3 years prior to application deadline not be currently enrolled in a degree granting program Foreign nationals who take up permanent residence outside the United States any time between the application deadline and the end of the period of performance will forfeit their eligibility. Leaving the U.S. on a temporary basis is permitted.

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral, Postdoctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, International

Award amount: $5,000 per month

Award category: Research

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: Division of Research Programs Team 202.606.8200 fellowships@neh.gov

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