
Professor Bryan Emmerson Medical Scholarship (Financial Aid Scholarships)

Professor Bryan Emmerson Medical Scholarship (Financial Aid Scholarships)

Australia 27 Aug 2024
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

State University, Browse similar opportunities


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0 $
State University
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27 Aug 2024
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Opportunity funding
Full funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions


Established in 2019 by Mrs Elva Emmerson and her sons, Professor William (Brett) Emmerson and Professor Stephen Emmerson, in honour of their husband and father, Emeritus Professor Bryan Emmerson, AO, under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and maintained by income generated from the endowment fund. Professor Emmerson served as Head of the Department of Medicine at UQ and Foundation Professor of Medicine at the Princess Alexandra Hospital for nearly 10 years.

This scholarship sits under the Faculty of Medicine’s Financial Aid Scholarships.


An applicant is eligible for a Scholarship, if the applicant –

  1. submits an application to the Dean, by the closing date for applications;
  2. is enrolled full-time in Year One of the Doctor of Medicine;
  3. can provide documentary evidence of financial hardship; and
  4. does not hold another Scholarship that the Dean considers similar.

This scholarship was awarded in 2020 and applications for this scholarship will only open in 2024.

How to apply

Send your completed application to med.prizes@uq.edu.au.

Your application must include the following:

  1. Completed Cover Page
  2. Completed Student Income Statement (please note that payments received from Centrelink are considered as income)
  3. Centrelink Income Statement
  4. Copy of your unofficial transcript from Si-Net
  5. Personal statement demonstrating how the Scholarship will assist completion of the Doctor of Medicine

Selection criteria

The Scholarships will be awarded to applicants showing greatest merit, as demonstrated by –

  1. evidence of financial need;
  2. strength of personal statement demonstrating how the Scholarship will assist completion of the Doctor of Medicine;
  3. academic achievement in courses undertaken to date in the Doctor of Medicine; and
  4. any other matter that the selection committee considers relevant to the applicant’s future success in their study.


Scholarship and Awards Coordinator, Faculty of Medicine

Scholarship value : At least $9,000 unless this amount exceeds the annual income from the underlying endowment fund.

Number awarded : 1

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