

Health System Governance - Postgraduate Research Scholarship at University of Sydney, NSW Australia

Scholarship Description: Health System Governance - Postgraduate Research Scholarship at University of Sydney, NSW Australia is open for International Students . The scholarship allows PhD, Research level programm(s) in the field of Health taught at University of Sydney . The deadline of the scholarship is Open. This scholarship has been established to provide financial assistance to a PhD student who is undertaking research into health system governance as part o1 ...

WiseGeek Nursing No-Essay Scholarship

As the driving force of opportunity today, everyone should have access to a good education to power their future and provide for later generations. Nurses and their assistants dedicate their lives to public service and providing for local communities through their practice, but many prospective nursing assistants don’t have the opportunity to graduate with a degree debt-free. We want to lift the burden of student debt for our future generation of students looking to provide for the pu1 ...

Melaninwhitecoats Podcast Annual Scholarship

In professional healthcare spaces across the country, there’s a lack of diverse representation from people of underrepresented backgrounds. To combat the world’s toughest public health issues, we need all voices from all backgrounds to be represented in these professional spaces toward a common goal of health.This problem in underrepresentation is also a quality of care issue as doctors are more likely to evaluate Black patients’ pain as less than that of white patients with the same symptoms.1 ...

National Healthcare Heroes Grant for Nurses

There is currently a shortage of nurses in the US, and the median student debt for nurses completing graduate school is $40,000-$55,000. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, our nurses are on the frontlines, fighting on a daily basis to stop the spread of coronavirus that is crippling our nation.Despite this, as some hospitals reduce or halt elective procedures, some nurses have seen their incomes drop during a period in which they have never been more essential.As part of the initiativ1 ...

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