
How to write a thank you letter

أعده admin2 يوم 22 نوفمبر 2021

زارت 397 مرة

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How to write a thank you letter
Sample Thank You Letter: Having completed a formal interview with this organization, Alina sends out a thank you note within 24hours. She sends it via email, as the interviewer has indicated that the organization intends to make adecision about her candidacy within a few days.

Dear Dr. Funahashi:

Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me yesterday morning about employment opportunities with Global Education Associates. I am even more enthusiastic about the work you do now that I have had the chance to learn more about it.

As we discussed, my experience at WorldTeach and my extensive international travel have instilled in me the desire to foster educational opportunities worldwide, and to promote cross-cultural understanding of educational methods and adapt them as appropriate in developing countries. I am particularly interested in the Educating for Global Citizenship Program due to its commitment to meeting the educational needs of the emerging global community by offering teachers, youth leaders, and community organizers ways to comprehend and respond to the critical and creative task of educating the world in the 21st century.

Thank you once again for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you further about the contribution I could make to your organization and its constituents.


Alina Cestari

(She/Her) Sample Thank You Letter: Having completed a formal interview with this organization, Alina sends out a thank you note within 24hours. She sends it via email, as the interviewer has indicated that the organization intends to make adecision about her candidacy within a few days.

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