
The McGraw Fellowship 2020 for Business Journalism

The McGraw Fellowship 2020 for Business Journalism

فرصة منح

فرصة منح

جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

تفاصيل الفرصة

المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
البلد المضيف
آخر موعد للتقديم
01 فيفري 2020
المستوى التعليمي
نوع الفرصة
تمويل الفرصة
تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق


Selected candidates will be provided with the following benefits.

  • The Fellowship provides a grant of up to $15,000 for each project.
  • The exact amount will depend on the time it takes to complete the project and the expenses needed.
  • Freelance journalists may also use some of the funding as a stipend for living expenses during the Fellowship.


Applicants are required to meet the following eligibility requirements.

  • The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism is open to anyone with at least five years professional experience in journalism.
  • Freelance journalists, as well as reporters and editors currently working at a news organization or a journalism non-profit, may apply.
  • Candidates should also have a strong background or reporting expertise on the subject of their piece.
Eligible Regions: Open for all

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