
Biodiversity Short Film Contest 2020

Biodiversity Short Film Contest 2020

فرصة منح

فرصة منح

جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

تفاصيل الفرصة

المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
آخر موعد للتقديم
06 جويلية 2020
المستوى التعليمي
نوع الفرصة
تمويل الفرصة
تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق

Applications call for  Biodiversity Short Film Contest 2020. This competition is part of the International Nature Image Festival (FIIN). The Competition is an initiative organized by the Municipality of Vila Real. After the selection and classification of the competing cinematographic works, a Biodiversity Short Film Festival will occur as an event integrated into the International Festival of Nature Image (FIIN).


The main objective of the Short Film contest is to promote the biological natural heritage, namely the natural regions, the ecosystems, the habitats, and the species of wild fauna and flora, through the selection and classification of cinematographic works related to this subject. It also aims to promote cinematography of nature and promote its growth and development, as well as launching the debate and reflection of society on the need to knowing, promoting and conserving the biodiversity and the environment.


A prize of € 4,000.00 (four tho,usand euros) will be awarded to the Short Film best classified by the Jury of the Contest.



Provider: Short Film Contest

Related keywords : awards 2020, career opportunities, competitions, competitions 2020, competitions and awards, competitions in 2020, international competitions, opportunities, opportunities for youths, youths,

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