
Nvidia Graduate Fellowship Awards 2020-2021 for PhD Students

Nvidia Graduate Fellowship Awards 2020-2021 for PhD Students

أنحاء العالم 13 سبتمبر 2019

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المكافأة الإجمالية
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13 سبتمبر 2019
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Are you a doctoral student working in artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous vehicles or other related fields? Applications are welcomed for the 19th annual Nvidia Graduate Fellowship Program. They are seeking students doing outstanding GPU-based research. Their goal is to provide them with grants, mentors and technical support so they can help solve the world’s biggest research problems.

NVIDIA has long believed that investing in university talent is beneficial to the industry and key to the continued growth and success. The NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Program now provides funding in the amount of up to USD 50,000 per award to Ph.D. students who are researching topics that will lead to major advances in the graphics and high-performance computing industries and are investigating innovative ways of leveraging the power of the GPU. NVIDIA particularly invites submissions from students pushing the envelope in artificial intelligence, deep neural networks, autonomous vehicles, and related fields.

They select up to ten students each year who have the talent, aptitude, and initiative to work closely with them early in their careers. Recipients not only receive crucial funding for their research but are able to conduct groundbreaking work with access to NVIDIA products, technology and some of the most talented minds in the field. They are inviting the next round of Fellows to join them for a summer internship prior to the start of their Fellowship year.

Note: The award must be administered through the student’s university; payment will be made to the university, not directly to the student

Their Graduate Fellowship awards are up to USD 50,000 per student.

You can apply using the following link.

For more information, please visit this website.

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