
Comment avoir une lettre de recommendation

Publié le 27 juil. 2017 par @Marwen

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Comment avoir une lettre de recommendation
Comment avoir une lettre de recommendation

Each letter must: • Be written on the university letterhead and signed by the supervisor • Include the respective supervisors’ contact details, including title, department affiliation, and university • Be written in English or French Former or current supervisors who are providing a letter of recommendation on behalf of an applicant should include the following information: • When did you supervise the proposed candidate, and how many other students have you supervised at the same level? • Relative to the other students you have supervised at the same level, how productive was the proposed candidate while under your supervision (publications, contributions, etc.)? • If possible, please comment on the productivity of the proposed candidate, relative to other researchers or students you have known at the same career stage. • Are there any outstanding achievements (high-impact research results, awards, etc.) by the proposed candidate that you would like to further comment on?

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