
One-year scholarship abroad, how does it work?

Published in 03 May 2020 by @Marwen

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One-year scholarship abroad, how does it work?
Many of you are asking the same questions, how to get a scholarship after the baccalaureate? or how to get a free scholarship? here you will find all your answers in the following.

How do I get a free scholarship?

There is no such thing as a free scholarship, but poach a scholarship with a good application at the right time!

Moreover, you should know the websites that help you in your research by offering you the latest scholarship available.

That's why we are going to list you some links from which you can find hundreds of free scholarships on our platform :

This page contains more than 1000 free or partial scholarships for the year 2020-2021. : scholarships .

If you are a graduate and looking for master's degrees abroad (in Europe in particular)  : Master

We also offer you an easy and targeted search either by country, by speciality or by level of study, just browse through these opportunities not-to-be-missed for the year 2020 : search

Indeed, there is also a section containing the best donors organizations in the world.

Discover also the best destination countries ; best destination countries like :

Top university scholarships to study in France

Top university scholarships to study in Switzerland

Top university scholarships to study in Germany

Top university scholarships to study in Belgium

Top university scholarships to study in the Netherlands

Top university scholarships to study in the United States

Top university scholarships to study in the UK

Top university scholarships to study in Australia

Here is a list of donors providing free scholarships for the year 2020 -2021:

Find out more about United Nations programes

 International Rescue Committee programs

Erasmus Intern programs

AIESEC programs

Volunteers of l'ONU

INSEAD - The Business School for the World programs

edX programs

Fulbright programs

Here is a list of universities providing educational opportunities for the year 2020 -2021:

Kent university scholarships

Regent Londres scholarships

Nottingham university scholarships

Webster university scholarships

Alueducation university scholarships

For the folder of your application refer you here for more details:

How to write a letter to ask for/give advice

Modèle de convention de cotutelle, rédaction, composition et informations à  fournir

Steps and list of documents to prepare to get student Visa France


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