
Swiss study grant application process for Tunisians

Published in 16 Aug 2021 by @admin2

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Swiss study grant application process for Tunisians
Séjours de recherche/doctorat/Post-doctorat

Each year the Swiss confederation offers study grants for Tunisians, research stays, doctorate, or post-doctorate

The scholarship is fully funded and covers all study costs.

Deadline: 10/15/2021, 12 p.m.

Specialty: All specialties




-Post doctorate,


Document to submit:


Cover letter

Description of your doctoral thesis in two pages.

Letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor.

To receive the forms relating to this scholarship program, applicants are requested to send an email to the following address: international@mesrs.state.tn

Any candidate concerned is called upon to submit his application file in 03 copies to the Central Order Office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research before October 15, 1202.

Application link:

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