
This "short-term" mobility program in Human sciences in France

Published in 26 Feb 2019 by @Marwen

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This "short-term" mobility program in Human sciences in France
This "short-term" mobility program in Human sciences in France.

The "Michel Foucault" program supports the partnership between Tunisian and French universities by allocating mobility resources for teacher-researchers.


→ Purpose of the program

This "short-term" mobility program aims to promote bibliographic and documentary research. It also aims to facilitate the establishment of lasting partnerships between academic structures.

The resources made available to Tunisian universities by the French Institute of Tunisia, within the framework of this program, are oriented towards the main scientific priorities and the disciplinary fields considered as priorities for the future and the development of French and English. higher education in Tunisia.


→ Eligibility conditions

• Beneficiaries:

- secondary school teachers, contractual assistants or holders, assistant teachers, engaged in the preparation of a doctoral thesis;

- the assistant professors engaged in the preparation of their HDR;

- university lecturers and professors in order to develop their research activities, establish a scientific partnership (with a research laboratory or a platform) or take a specialization course in research.

• Eligible disciplines:

- language sciences (FLE mention);

- Educational Sciences ;

- didactics of French;

- linguistics;

- modern and contemporary French literature, classical literature, comparative literature;

- humanities.

→ Duration of the "Michel Foucault" fellowship: 15 days

→ Prerequisites: Register by filling out the questionnaire online and provide the following documents:

List of documents to be provided: (mandatory documents forming the basis of the selection criteria)

1. The application file "Michel Foucault (online)

2. Appendices detailing the following (to attach as an attachment and to provide information on the online questionnaire):

. the objectives and detailed program of the stay specifying the places and the daily actions:

a) indicate the objectives and the precise program of the stay (eg: bibliographic research (specify which ones), acquisition of competences (specify which), finalization of publications (indicate the intended title of the publication), specify the desired impact of this stay on your career);

b) promote participation in the life of another French laboratory;

c) provide a detailed list of all the actions and works planned during the stay in France (possibly insert the program as an attachment);

. the problem related to your research (Appendix):

d) show explicitly how your theme is innovative, or has potential applicative usable in the implementation of reforms related to the issues of education in Tunisia (French or French communication);

e) emphasize its roots in current events (and contemporary French).

3. A detailed statement of the management (explaining how the candidate is involved), co-signed by the Dean, giving evidence of the candidate's involvement in the life of his institution (department director, examination board presidency, coordination various teaching aids, number of dissertations supported, supervision of theses and dissertations, etc.) for post-docs;

4. List of works and previous publication (especially for post-docs) demonstrating regularity in scientific life (colloquia, articles, etc.);

5. Letter from the thesis director for doctoral students;

6. Letter of recommendation from a French intellectual authority;

7. Invitation letter from the French organization (mandatory);

8. Curriculum Vitae, indicating in particular your university education, your diplomas and your current status;

9. Copy of the valid passport.

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