
Internships in Germany level Basic education field Statistics


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Pursue your bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree at one of Germany's prestigious universities such as Hamburg Universität, Heinz Kühn, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, and more. Apply for scholarships made for international students like the DAAD Scholarships; fully funded scholarships that cover all tuition and travel costs, plus a monthly salary. Not looking for a degree? Find other opportunities in Germany such as technical residencies and training courses, all at little or no cost to you.

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Biostatistics , Geostatistics , Statistics . Basic education:

Basic education is the stage of elementary school and preparatory school together, as this stage includes the nine academic years preceding secondary education. After basic education, the student has the right to choose between vocational schools and secondary education with its different divisions (literature, economics, experimental sciences, mathematical sciences). This stage is divided in a number of countries into two stages. The first stage begins at the age of six to twelve, immediately followed by the three-year secondary stage. Definition of basic education. There are many definitions of basic education. One of these definitions is "the amount of basic knowledge and science that the state has committed itself to disseminating Its inhabitants differ in the number of years and stages from one state to another".

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