
PhD in Switzerland


The doctorate is the highest university degree in a specific discipline given by universities to students, at the end the student obtains the title of a doctor in the speciality he has studied, therefore is authorized to teach officially in universities. Before applying for a doctorate, the student must have with him/her a master's degree that prepares him/her in his/her field of specialization. 
There is the PHD - Doctor of Economic Science - Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Mathematics.
This page presents a list of doctoral scholarships 2025 - 2026, thesis proposals, as well as articles related to how to finance its doctorate either in France, Switzerland, or Germany, the Eiffel Doctoral Scholarships.

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We regularly publish funding and scholarship opportunities in Switzerland, you will find a list of articles explaining the admission process. It is important to know that in Switzerland, there are several types of scholarships including scholarships for excellence or merit, special scholarships from the Swiss government, scholarships from Swiss companies, scholarships from international foundations and organizations, school scholarships, grants and reductions for low-income families, etc.

fully funded scholarships 2025 , scholarshpis 2025-2026 , how to study in switzerland , scholarship form , swiss law scholarship , Vocational training in Switzerland .


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2024-2025 fully funded Swiss Scholarships

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree. Ty1 ...

Fully Funded scholarship in Zurich Switzerland 2024-2025

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Fully Funded Swiss Government Excellence in Switzerland 2025

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