
Head of ECAM ENGINEERING program

Head of ECAM ENGINEERING program

France 08 Apr 2021


State University (France), Browse similar opportunities


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State University
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08 Apr 2021
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ECAM is a general engineering school based in Lyon, on Fourvière hill. It is ranked as the 1st private engineering school in France in the 2021 EDUNIVERSAL ranking.

4 engineering programs are offered in the school, among which 2 work/study training programs, as well as 2 Master’s degrees.  

ECAM is looking for the Head of the general ENGINEERING program, which specific features are:

The Head of Program’s main mission is to ensure the good and smooth functioning of this program, both academically and pedagogically. He or she is also the link between the students, the parents, the companies, the academic partners, the teachers and the ECAM Lyon manager.  

He or she manages the Student Affairs Office.

Pedagogical supervision of the ENGINEERING program:

 Day-to-day functioning of the ENGINEERING program:

Promoting and recruiting for the ENGINEERING program:


Requested skills:


40-47 k€ depending on profile

Vacancy to fill as soon as possible, CDI - permanent contract

Send a resume and cover letter to laetitia.boffet@ecam.fr
The position will remain open until it is filled.

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