
School of Music HDR Student Scholarship

School of Music HDR Student Scholarship

Australia On going
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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Full funding
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The School of Music provides all confirmed candidates with up to $2,000 (for PhD) or $1,000 (for MPhil) of research support funding over the duration of their HDR candidature. The funding is to help you undertake research activities that enhance your research project, present your research at conferences, and carry out other activities relating to your research project that are approved by the School. 


Confirmed PhD or MPhil candidates in the School of Music.

How to apply

Download and complete the School of Music, HDR Student Application for Scholarship Support application. Email your completed application to music@uq.edu.au. 

Candidates must submit an application approximately three months before the research activities supported by the scholarship are to commence. 



School of Music

Scholarship value : $2,000 for PhD $1,000 for MPhil

Number awarded : Multiple

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