
Marconi International University African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships, USA 2022-23

Marconi International University African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships, USA 2022-23

Marconi International University Marconi International University

Marconi International University Marconi International University

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0 $
State University
Host Country
30 Jun 2023
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Partial funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

Scholarship Description:

Marconi International University African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships, USA 2022-23 is open for Asian Students, African Students, Middle East Students . The scholarship allows Undergraduate, Graduate level programm(s) in the field of All Subjects taught at Marconi International University Marconi International University. The deadline of the scholarship is Open.

Degree Level:

Marconi International University African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships, USA 2022-23 is available to undertake Undergraduate, Graduate level programs at Marconi International University.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • All Subjects

Scholarship Benefits:

The university will provide the selected students 50% of the tuition cost of the undertaken undergraduate or graduate study programmes applied for at MIU.

Eligible Nationalities:

African, Asian, and Middle Eastern 

Eligibility Criteria:

The applicants must have suc­cess­fully grad­u­ated from a rec­og­nized higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tion (high school or uni­ver­sity) in Africa, Asia, or the Mid­dle East.

Application Procedure:

Students are required to make an admission application in order to qualify to be considered for the scholarship. Students will be considered based on their admission applications.

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Asian Students, African Students, Middle East Students