
Computer Science (Featuring Data Science Track), Coursera - University of Illinois, United States of America

Computer Science (Featuring Data Science Track), Coursera - University of Illinois, United States of America

Coursera - University of Illinois

Coursera - University of Illinois

State University (United States of America), Browse similar opportunities


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0 $
State University
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30 May 2022
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions

Tuition fee: 17622 EUR

Degree: Master

Description:  If you’re interested in extracting knowledge and insights from massive data sets and are eager to put these skills to work in a rewarding career, then enroll in the Master of Computer Science (Featuring Data Science Track) offered by Coursera in partnership with University of Illinois  today, and start mastering the skills necessary for a successful data science career. 


  • Computer Sciences
  • Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning

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