
Free online course on journalism writing from Canvas

Free online course on journalism writing from Canvas



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19 Feb 2020
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Canvas Network offers a free online course on journalism writing. In this virtual newsroom, attendees of this course will learn reporting, research and multimedia techniques for all news media platforms, and then delve into the way in which social media, community-focused journalism, and multimedia through which they can enhance the news coverage process.

This course is different from the other, as Canvas will use interviews and investigations with real people to tell real stories containing facts and quotes. Each story should have news value that appeals to readers, while adhering to very strict standards.

Course objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Writing professional news content, adhering to grammar, spelling, drafting and style.
  • Understand the need for fairness and accuracy in writing the news.
  • Writing news articles in an inverted pyramid style and in a distinctive style.
  • Demonstrate basic skills for interviewing and research.

the target audience:
This course aims to:

  • Those looking to develop their skills as a writer of media publications.
  • Interested in journalism.
  • High school and college students.
  • Media professionals.

About the course teacher:
This course will be given by Nicole Kraft, who has spent 25 years as a reporter, editor, and journalist, and is now working as an assistant professor of journalism at The Ohio School. She has also won several awards in this field of journalism and journalistic reporting.

About Canvas:
Canvas is an online network of learning management systems (LMS) that aims to make teaching and learning easier. Canvas is specifically designed for kindergarten to high school teachers and students, and the network uses an easy-to-use cloud-based learning management system (Cloud) that links all the tools and resources teachers use in one place. It gives teachers and students access to countless tools to make teaching and learning easier and more enjoyable.


  • Media and press
  • Writing

Opportunity Targets

  • Everyone 

Required Documents

  • Other

Funding: partial financing
Funding Coverage

  • Participation fees


  • English

How To Apply:
To register for this course, create an account on the site and then click: Enroll on the course page.

Contact Details:
For more information, please see the following link


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