
Environmental Photographer of the Year

Environmental Photographer of the Year

Belgium 30 Jun 2019


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0 $
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30 Jun 2019
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Full funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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The CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year showcases the very best in environmental photography. Highlighting the terrible impacts being wrought on our planet by its most dominant species the competition also celebrates humanity’s innate ability to survive and innovate, lending hope to us all that we can overcome challenges to live sustainably. The competition supports the urgent calls to action of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and recognizes the intricate interconnected nature of development, poverty reduction, equality, security and climate action and the unprecedented effort from all sectors of society needed to tackle the defining issues of our time.

Environmental Photographer of the Year encourages entries that are contemporary, creative, resonant, challenging, original and beautiful, but most of all, images that will inspire people around the world to start taking care of our environment and responsibility for the effect our actions have.

Before applying and submitting the photos, please, read carefully the guidelines/general rules (www.ciwem.org/rules-and-guidelines). Some of the basic criteria are listed below:

– There is no entry fee, however, each entrant may only enter a maximum of ten (10) images.

– At the initial stage, all still photographs must be submitted as JPEGs, saved at a high-quality level with a maximum file size of 5MB.

– Black and white images can be entered into all categories.

– Anyone born on or before 30th June 1998 can enter this category. For entrants under 18 parental permission must be received from the parent or guardian of the photographer. Proof of age may be required once the submission has been made.

Celebrating powerful storytelling, the Environmental Photographer of the Year is awarded to a single image which triggers debate, inspires action and improves understanding of the causes, impacts and solutions to environmental change and social inequality.

The winning photographer will receive a GBP 2,000 cash prize, personalized certificate and spread and interview in one issue of CIWEM’s The Environment Magazine.

Disclaimer: The prizes are non-transferable. No cash alternative will be offered.

All entries should be a faithful representation of the original scene and localized adjustments should be used appropriately. Some digital adjustment or editing is allowed, but entrants should understand that the objective is to remain faithful to the original experience and to never deceive the viewer or misrepresent reality.

In order to apply, please fill the application.

For more information, please visit the official web page.

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