
Peggy A. Pritchard and Dr. Andrew M. Kropinski International Graduate Bursary at the University of Guelph, Canada

Peggy A. Pritchard and Dr. Andrew M. Kropinski International Graduate Bursary at the University of Guelph, Canada

Canada On going
University of Guelph Grants

University of Guelph Grants

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On going
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Partial funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions

Award or Grant Description $$  $2,000

Studying in Canada is a useful and transformative experience and will carry your education to the next level. The University of Guelph is bearing applications for the Peggy A. Pritchard and Dr. Andrew M. Kropinski Graduate Bursary available for the 2023-2024 academic years.

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The Bursary aims to support high-achieving international students who enroll full-time in a graduate degree program at the University of Guelph in Canada. The scholarship provides one award of $2,000 in the fall.

  • Award
  • Application Process
  • Clarity of Information



Worthy offer for international students in Canada.The University of Guelph was tackled in 1964 as an analysis institute that proposes a comprehensive spectrum of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs in an extremely informal way.

Why choose to study at the University of Guelph? Students will enhance their acquaintance and position experience via the University of Guelph’s work-study program. The institute suggests different scholarships or work possibilities to its students.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded to a Graduate degree program in any subject offered by the university
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
  • Applicants can be Non-Canadian-PR-PP.
  • Apply to the International Student Advisor with a completed International Graduate Student Financial Need Assessment Form (NAF).
  • International full-time students from a developing country (as defined by CIDA Canadian International Development Agency) demonstrate financial need with a preference given to female students.

Offered Benefits

The University of Guelph will provide one award of $2,000 in the winter, and the recipient must be registered to receive it.

Application Process

  • How to Apply: Applicants can register on the university’s online portal or Common Application to complete their selected course application process Students who will be considered for the scholarship must fill out the International Financial Need Assessment Form.
  • Supporting Documents: The applicants must submit official academic transcripts, CV, copies of a valid passport, reference letters, and other supplementary documentation.
  • Admission Requirements: Students must meet International  Admission Requirements for Graduate degree Programs to study at the university.
  • Language Requirement: Applicants must meet  English Proficiency Requirements for the Graduate degree program at the University of Guelph.

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