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Humboldt Foundation is offering Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of their academic career and only completed their doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host.
Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than four years prior to the date of application. Candidates who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees are eligible to apply provided that they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of their dissertation.
Academic publications reviewed according to international standards and printed in journals and/or by publishing houses.
Confirmation that research facilities are available and mentoring agreement and a detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany. Details of the research outline including information on the intended duration of the fellowship must be agreed with the intended host before applying.
Expert reviews from the doctoral supervisor and one other academic qualified to give well-founded comments on the applicant's eligibility, preferably including a reviewer not working at the applicant's own institute.
Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the research successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases.
Foreign academics staying in Germany are eligible to apply if they have lived outside Germany for a minimum of 12 months in total in the 18-month period prior to submission of the application. Any time spent in Germany within those 18 months is taken into account, regardless of duration or reason.
German citizens and/or educational residents are generally ineligible to apply if they have been in Germany within the last 18 months prior to receipt of their application or are already in Germany at the time of applying.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a foundation established by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and funded by the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as other national and international partners. It promotes international academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from Germany and from abroad. Humboldt Foundation’s research fellowships and research awards allow you to come to Germany to work on a research project you have chosen yourself together with a host and collaborative partner. As an intermediary organisation for German foreign cultural and educational policy, Humboldt Foundation promotes international cultural dialogue and academic exchange.
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