
College Readiness

College Readiness

Martin Simutis Memorial Scholarship

Pursuing higher education comes with many challenges and obstacles that can drive potential students to delay or abandon their educational goals.In addition to the time commitment required by college, which can be difficult for students who have family responsibilities or need to work, the high price of tuition makes it too expensive for many students. This scholarship aims to support students of Lithuanian descent as they pursue higher education in their fields of choice.Any high school,1 ...

Redefining Victory Scholarship

In various spheres of life, success takes on multifaceted definitions, from the pursuit of academic excellence to the realization of personal passions and goals. These diverse interpretations of achievement underscore the complex tapestry of success that individuals weave throughout their unique journeys.Their journeys are marked by passion, perseverance, and self-education, proving that potential is not limited to the traditional academia route. Their stories are a testament to countless peopl1 ...

Jared Ethan Trueba Memorial Scholarship

Jared Ethan Trueba was a smart, funny, bright, kind and clever young man. He involved himself fully in innumerable activities and demonstrated excellence in every area of life, proving himself as a strong leader, an enthusiastic participant, and a caring friend to anyone that his life touched.Jared was involved in many extracurricular activities through his school and was active in the community. He was a 4.0 GPA student, a talented musician, a star athlete, a leader in the JROTC, a faithful fr1 ...

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