
Tip for students looking for accommodation in a big city:

Publicado en 20 jul. 2020 por @admin2

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Finding accommodation in a big city is not an easy task; it takes a lot of research and effort. It is better to ask friends and relatives who have experience in the city where you plan to live. Maybe they know a cheap apartment, or they know an owner who can rent you his apartment for a relatively not expensive price. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time in research of a good apartment close to your university. Whether in Paris, London, or Dubai this will not be an easy task.

 These cities are crowded with expensive housing. People prefer these cities because there as a student you can find a student job easily, so they can fund their studies. You can also easily find a company to work for after graduation in the same city where you studied. So you can easily take part in job interviews or job fairs. Let’s say you pay more for rent but you will find many opportunities.

To be honest living in a small city is good you will spend very less for rent and life expenses but you will not find a student job easily, and you need to travel for your job interviews and these are additional expenses. Let’s say you need to stay two days in Paris that will cost at least 250 euros between travel and hotel and restaurants.

Now let’s get to our main advice on how to reduce rent expenses and find the right option while spending less money in your research.

Stay with a friend or a relative: if you have a friend in the city you move to, this will make it really easy, pack your staff that you will not need for the moment put them in carton boxes. You can put them with Storage Company, that will cheaper than paying the rent in the other city where you are no more planning to stay there. If you are a student in Dubai then this company is a good option: BEST STORAGE IN DUBAI is a good option. They will keep your staff safe the time you find an apartment in Abu Dhabi for example.

Join a Facebook group where people publish rent announcements, you will definitely find a stay easy and you will spend less I suppose. There are many students they propose house sharing, so you will divide all expenses together. This represents a good solution, a simple keyword search on Facebook, for example, rent in an apartment in Dubai and you will find what you looking for.

Avoid real state agencies and intermediaries: in most cases, they will charge a high commission. Fees are excessive and this is not a good option for a student. I will definitely avoid it.

They will ask you to pay extra fees for warranty, a caution or additional month in advance.

Ask people in the neighbourhood:

You may contact the right people when asking people in the place where you to stay. It is the old way, seems weird for some people but it is really efficient.


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