
Peace First COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants (Grants of up to 250)

Peace First COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants (Grants of up to 250)

for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

Asociación, Examinar oportunidades similares


Recompensa total
0 $
Fecha límite
En curso
Nivel de estudio
Tipo de oportunidad
Oportunidad de financiación
Financiación completa
Países elegibles
Esta oportunidad está destinada a todos los países
Región elegible
Todas las regiones


Grants of up to $250, mentorship, and project support to young people leading initiatives to address secondary effects of COVID-19 in their communities.


  • Candidates must be between the ages of 13-25 to apply. Moreover, the Peace First welcomes young people from any region to apply.
    Candidates may apply as an individual or a team.
  • Moreover, the project should address the secondary effects of COVID-19 (i.e. mental health, educational disruption, food insecurity, economic insecurity, supply shortages, etc).
  • In addition to that, the project should be specific and time-bound, and the applicant should be able to complete the main goals of the project within 3 months.
Eligible Regions: Open for All

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