
The EIT Dean’s Scholarship

The EIT Dean’s Scholarship

Australia 01 jun. 2021
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

Asociación, Examinar oportunidades similares


Recompensa total
0 $
País anfitrión
Fecha límite
01 jun. 2021
Nivel de estudio
Tipo de oportunidad
Oportunidad de financiación
Financiación parcial
Países elegibles
Esta oportunidad está destinada a todos los países
Región elegible
Todas las regiones

Award or Grant Description $$  10% reduction on your overall course tuition fees

This scholarship is applicable to all courses for all future students. There will be five per intake in campus and online.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a commencing student studying one of EIT’s higher education courses online or on-campus.
  • Must meet or exceed the English Language Proficiency requirement for the specific course of study.
  • Must meet all other entry requirements for the course, plus at least an overall average of 65% (or equivalent result) in a congruent Bachelor Degree [for entry to EIT Master Degrees].
  • Must meet all other entry requirements for the course, plus at least an overall average of 65% in grade 12 (or highest level award in equivalent pathway), +plus 65% result in all Maths units [for entry to EIT Bachelor Degrees].
  • No more than 5 backlogs.
  • Must be full fee-paying, without existing scholarships. Students can apply for multiple scholarships, but will only be awarded one scholarship.

Offered Benefits

  • The scholarship value is equal to a 10% reduction on the total course tuition.

Application Process

  • Please complete and submit the Scholarship Application Form along with your course application.
  • If you have already submitted your course application, you can still send in your Scholarship Application to: [email protected]

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