
A Chance to Win 50,000 Yen in the AILCD International Student Design Competition in Japan

A Chance to Win 50,000 Yen in the AILCD International Student Design Competition in Japan

Japon 01 nov. 2019
Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design

Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design

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0 $
Organisation à but non lucratif
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Date limite
01 nov. 2019
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The Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design (AILCD) is pleased to invite students from all over the world to take part in the 9th AILCD International Student Design Competition. This year  theme is “Less is MOji – REboot the City”.


The competition addresses the problem of urban shrinkage in the Mojiko area in Kitakyushu. The competition asks the students to re-design the urban landscape and to make a proposal for a low carbon urban project within this area. Urban shrinkage should be considered as a real problem for the targeted area and the city of Kitakyushu.

Eligibility Criteria:

Multidisciplinary teams of Graduate (Master and Ph.D. students) and Undergraduate students from Architecture, Landscape, Civil Engineering, and related disciplines are accepted. Team and individual entries are accepted. Only one project may be submitted per person or per team.

Competition Requirements:

A contestant can choose the whole area of Mojiko or only one specific part, for example, 2 or 3 sites within the same competition site area as the site for his proposal.

All proposals should contain one or more of these features:

  • urban shrinkage.
  • low carbon city concept.
  • overall sustainable concept.
  • green space design.
  • usage of renewable energy systems.
  • sustainable transport systems.
  • connection to the surrounding area.

Competition Timeline:

  • 1 November 2019 Registration deadline
  • 11 November 2019 Closing date for proposal submissions
  • 13 December 2019 Announcement winning proposals (Students of the winning projects are invited to participate in the International Conference and Workshop “Less is MOji – REboot the City”, held from 15 February until 1 March 2020 in Kitakyushu, Japan)
  • End February 2020 Award Ceremony: at the International Conference and Workshop “Less is MOji – REboot the City”, held from 15 February until 1 March 2020 in Kitakyushu, Japan)
  • Feb. – March 2020 Exhibition: All entries will be exhibited during the International Conference and Workshop “Less is MOji – REboot the City”, held from 15 February until 1 March 2020 in Kitakyushu, Japan)


  • First Prize: 50,000 Yen and a certificate
  • Second Prize: 30,000 Yen and a certificate
  • Third Prize: 10,000 Yen and a certificate
  • 7 Honorable Mentions: Certificate

Registration Requirements: 

Registration e-mail should contain: 

  • Names of all participants of the team, individual entries are accepted as well
  • Name of the university including the name of faculty and/or department
  • e-mail address of the team’s head student

After the registration is completed, the applicant will receive a registration number which must be integrated into all boards of his final submission.

And no registration fees are required for the competition.

Entries Requirements:

  • Digital form: 4 (four) A2 panels (JPEG files) and 1 (one) PDF file containing the project statement (A4, 2 pages) in English.
  • Panel size: A2 (594mm x 420mm) (landscape format = horizontal orientation)
  • The boards should contain project concept, diagrams, plans, sections, perspectives, and photographs, all in English.
  • Entries must contain the registration digit in the lower right corner on all boards (18pt).
  • No names of participants or affiliations are allowed on the boards.
  • Proposals shall be sent by email to and one e-mail should not exceed 10MB (e-mails over 10Mb can’t be retrieved). If the size of the e-mail exceeds 10MB applicant should send the files by separated e-mails.
  • Proposals are not accepted after closing date for proposal submissions.
  • File name: the registration number followed by page number 01, 02, 03 and 04, and 05 for the project statement, ex. LMRC19001-01, LMRC19001-02, etc.

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