La fondation allemande Rosa Luxemburg lance un appel à candidature pour chercheurs désireux de faire un doctorat en Allemagne ou effectuer un séjour de recherche en Allemagne. La fondation est affiliée au parti politique allemand Die Linke (La Gauche) et s'appuie sur le financement du ministère fédéral des Affaires étrangères pour octroyer des bourses à des chercheurs internationaux.
Qui peut présenter une d1 ...
Date limite: non spécifié
Ouvert à: jeunes de 18 à 30 ans
Lieu: janvier - août 2018, à Tortosa, Catalogne, Espagne
La Description
Associació Obre't'ebre est une association jeunesse à but non lucratif, créée en 2005 par un groupe de volontaires ex-européens et de jeunes volontaires, visant à promouvoir des valeurs universelles comme la solidarité, la tolérance et le respect, par le biais1 ...
Consultée 6900 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
: Espagne
The aims and objectives of the Ship for World Youth are:
To foster the spirit and practice of international cooperation
To promote friendship and mutual understanding between the youth of Japan and the youth of other parts of the world
To broaden the international awareness of participants
To develop youth capable of playing leading roles in various sectors of their societies and in turn contribute to the sound development of youth in their respective countries
The Ship for1 ...
Consultée 3896 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
: Japon
Exchange students unlock their true potential to:
Develop lifelong leadership skills.
Learn a new language and culture.
Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world.
Become a global citizen.
Candidates who are
15-19 years old.
are leaders in their schools and communities.
Eligible Regions: Open For All
Application Process
Applicants must follow the procedure given in the following link.
Apply nowOfficial link
Consultée 3138 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
: Monde
Delegates acquire first-hand experience in leadership, join a lasting global leadership network and build a platform to tackle current critical issues.
Delegates will engage with young leaders from all over the world at the United Nations, Capitol Hill, World Bank, State Department, Embassies, and more international organizations.
Young Leaders and Young Professionals aged 18-30 who are passionate about global issues and cultivating moral and innovative leadersh1 ...
Consultée 2307 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
: États-Unis
Appel à candidature pour les cours d'été virtuelle d'Oxford 2020 2020.
L'école d'été virtuelle d'Oxford est conçue pour amener les étudiants du monde entier à maîtriser leurs matières, de mieux comprendre leur avenir et de se préparer à un monde en mutation - tout en faisant l'expérience d'un enseignement inspirant et rigoureux.
C'est l'occasion de&1 ...
Consultée 1644 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
: Monde
: FORSA Mina7
Google will cover transport (most reasonable mode) to the programs and hotel rooms if needed for the duration of the program.
Applicants should be interested and have experience in sales, customer support, account management, marketing, or consulting;
Be experienced and have proven ability in managing and customizing experience to a customer base;
Be a proven multi-tasker and able to manage multiple projects at a time while paying strict attention to detail;
Be a p1 ...
Consultée 702 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
Potential benefits for new entrepreneurs include the opportunity to:
Stay up to six months with a successful and experienced entrepreneur in another European country to gain relevant business start-up knowledge in a wide range of areas such as marketing, financial accounting, customer relations, business finance;
Improve the entrepreneurial experience and chances of success during the business start-up phase;
Refine business ideas/plan;
Become members of an international European1 ...
Consultée 548 fois
Date limite
: En cours
Financement complet
youth delegates have a unique opportunity to learn and hone the skills necessary to participate in sustainable development. Moreover, APYE is also an avenue for the youth sector to skill up and participate in the formal economy. In addition, APYE open opportunities for delegates which may involve:
Opportunities to implement projects and proposals created in the program
Opportunities to create connections with organizations actively conducting advocacy programs.
Opportunities i1 ...