
Opportunités de formation 2025

Opportunités de formation 2025

Research Internship in IT and Robotics in Russia

Innopolis University invites foreign students to do a research internship in one of its laboratories and research units. This type of internship allows students to expand their practical knowledge in IT and Robotics. Applicants must be current university students who have relevant experience in the chosen internship area and a good command of English.The minimum term of research internship is 2 months. Students are free to choose the most convenient internship period.Note: Students will be resp1 ...

Découvre le stage microsoft 2024 à washington et californie

Les avantages : Ce stage va vous fournir les avantages suivants :  Soins de santé à la pointe de l'industrie Donner des programmes Des opportunités pour se réseauter et se connecter Des réductions sur les produits et les services Critères d’éligibilités : Les candidats doivent répondre  aux  critères suivants : Etre étudiant de la première ou la deuxiè1 ...

EVS en Espagne: bénévole pour l'organisation humanitaire et charitable Cáritas Interparroquial 2024

Date limite: non spécifié Ouvert à: les candidats des 27 pays membres de l'UE Lieu: janvier - août 2018, à Tortosa, Catalogne, Espagne La Description Cáritas Interparroquial de Tortosa est une organisation à but non lucratif, humanitaire et de charité de l'Église catholique. Cáritas Interparroquial compte 7 travailleurs et plus de 100 bénévoles qui travaillent dans différents programmes. C&aacu1 ...

Opportunité de bénévolat des Nations Unies pour la jeunesse 2017

Date limite: en cours Ouvert à: jeunes de 18 à 29 ans Avantages: allocation de base de vie qui permet au bénévole de vivre sainement et en toute sécurité dans la zone désignée La Description L'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) est une organisation intergouvernementale chargée de promouvoir la coopération internationale et de créer et de maintenir l'ordre international. Un remplacement de la Sociét1 ...

Poste de doctorat entièrement financé chez AMOLF Amsterdam aux Pays-Bas

Date limite: en cours Ouvert à: candidats ayant une solide expérience en physique, chimie, science des matériaux ou ingénierie avec intérêt pour les cellules solaires Lieu: Fondation néerlandaise des instituts de recherche scientifique La Description Les cellules solaires fabriquées à partir de semi-conducteurs de perovskite hybrides ne sont apparues que récemment, mais leur efficacité est déjà comparab1 ...

Bourse de recherche de Humboldt pour les chercheurs postdoctoraux

Date Limite: en cours Ouvert à: chercheurs internationaux de doctorat Bourse: 2 650 EUR par mois pendant la période La Description Il s'agit d'un programme de recherche qui demande aux chercheurs de doctorat de venir passer une longue période de recherche en Allemagne. La période du programme de recherche durera de 6 à 24 mois. Veuillez s'il vous plaît vérifier votre propre bien. Admissibilité​ Un doctorat qui a au moins t1 ...

Bénévolat en zone rurale pour les créatifs

Date limite: 14 août 2017 Ouvert à: les jeunes (âgés de 18 à 30 ans) des États membres de l'UE Lieu: 1er septembre 2017 - 31 avril 2018, Nagyvázsony, Hongrie La Description Organisation Fekete Sereg "Ifjúsági Egyesület (Facebook) travaillant avec des enfants et des jeunes dans la région rurale de Hongrie cherche un volontaire de l'un des pays du programme pour participer à notre projet SVE &agr1 ...

The Coca-Cola Company internship programme 2024

Benefits Have a top of the line experience Build together a challenging & rewarding experience Work & learn from experts of the business Develop your flair and knowledge in our unique culture Grow your network of like-minded interns and professionals Undergraduate internships: Their interns are sought after for an assortment of functions and can benefit from learning beyond the classroom when they gain hands-on experience with the world’s leading beverage company. Graduate Internshi1 ...

EVS en Espagne: bénévoles pour la bibliothèque Merce Lleixa 2024

Date limite: non spécifié Ouvert à: jeunes de 18 à 30 ans Lieu: janvier - août 2018, à Tortosa, Catalogne, Espagne La Description Bibliothèque Merce Lleixa L'un des objectifs de la bibliothèque contribue au développement culturel de la ville. Les activités veulent promouvoir l'utilisation de la bibliothèque et accroître l'intérêt pour la littérature, tant pour les adultes que p1 ...

Youth Program Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Course in Dubai, UAE

Benefits When you successfully complete this program, you should be able to: Identify activities involved in project planning, monitoring and evaluation. write a proposal for funding, including logframes. plan projects on the basis of a logical framework. Demonstrate understanding of the Total Quality Program standers. Prepare project risk management plan. Eligibilities This course designed for the following individuals who want to build their capacity in Youth Development Sector: Youn1 ...

Bloomberg New Energy Finance Internship 2024 in New York

Benefits Working with diverse background employees. Gather knowledge, skills, and so on There’s a huge opportunity for intern to build a good networking Eligibilities An interest in the energy market An interest in Sales and Account Management Good organizational skills and ability to multi-task Ability to speak an additional language spoken in Latin America Experience with Sales or Account Management Are legally authorize to work full-time in the United States and will not require vis1 ...

Internship Opportunities at Rolls Royce in UK

Benefits Salary: £17,850 paid [pro rata] Other benefits include: 33 days holiday, including bank holidays (pro rata) Competitive pension International environment Option to donate to a charity from pre-tax pay Great support and much more Eligibilities Rolls Royce are unable to employ anyone who does not have the legal right to live and work in the UK Check the website for detailed category-wise eligibilities Eligible Regions: Open For All Application Process Apply Online through giv1 ...

Project Management Intern at Asia Hope Camp Organization in Seoul, South Korea

Benefits Develop knowledge and skills in organization, research, partnership, knowledge exchange and leadership Work in a multicultural environment and establish a professional network Learn a new language, participate in lessons, camps and tours Eligibilities High school or university student (Undergraduate or graduate) Proficient in English (Knowledge in Korean and/or Japanese is widely appreciated as they are the basic languages used in the office) Knowledgeable in using Microsoft O1 ...

Paid Internship at Delta Airlines in USA

Benefits This is a paid internship Due to the large volume of projects, each of the interns will learn about the industry and gain valuable life experience Eligibilities Intern candidates must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program with an aviation discipline, have a competitive GPA, and be in good academic standing with your university An intern must possess excellent communication skills, be able to process complicated issues quickly, and maintain confidentiality when dealing1 ...

Data Science Machine Learning Internship at Apple

Benefits Interns will get opportunities to collaborate with experts in the field of machine learning and traffic. Payment may range from USD 35- 45 per hour. Interns can develop their skills in coding and in traffic information system. Eligibilities Experience with machine learning theory and practice, particularly neural networks and sequence-based models. Experience using machine learning software, such as Python Sci-Kit, TensorFlow, Weka, MATLAB, or R. Experience with Java or Python1 ...

The Moroccan-Youth Debate Camp 2017 in Morocco

Benefits Experience in MUN, Public Speaking and/or Debate competitions with our 3 years experience in hosting highly successful camps. The camp truly has been a life-changing experience for the students who attend. They accept Moroccan and international as well as offer two full scholarships per year. The camp focuses on the World Schools Style (WSS) Debate Style, Public Speaking, Model United Nations (MUN), Diplomacy and Leadership. Their week-long camp has lectures, exercises, workshops,1 ...

Subventions de recherche du Congrès : Accord de négociation

Date Limite: 15 Septembre 2017 Ouvert à: citoyens américains ou non-citoyens Subventions: 10 000 USD de fonds destinés à être utilisés jusqu'à un an de recherche et d'écriture La Description Les processus d'accord de négociation au Congrès ont un fort stress, mais nous connaissons très peu les mécanismes, les défis et les remèdes pour ce problème. En s'appuyant sur le1 ...

MBA Internship at CVS Health in USA

Benefits Competitive compensation is offered including a stipend for eligible candidates Asses a business opportunity with specific recommendations that will enable the leadership team to make critical go/no-go decisions Design and implement a retail pilot to further inform design choices and validate business case assumptions Learn about solution definition, testing, and implementation of new processes and services needed to support the future growth of the company Scope, plan and perform1 ...

Paid Internship Program at BOEING

Benefits You’ll also find the opportunity to speak with experienced professionals and experts across Boeing Including building relationships through mentor programs Additionally, you will take part in a variety of activities, such as site tours, community involvement, networking events and seminars, to continue developing new skills Paid internship Eligibilities The Boeing Engineering Intern Program is an opportunity for students enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program, consolidated ba1 ...

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