
CfP - 3rd Annual Conference - The European Initiative on Security Studies, 27-28 June 2019, Sciences Po, Paris

CfP - 3rd Annual Conference - The European Initiative on Security Studies, 27-28 June 2019, Sciences Po, Paris


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Date limite
15 janv. 2019
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The European Initiative on Security Studies

The European Initiative on Security Studies is a Europe-wide multidisciplinary network of scholars from over eighty universities that share the goal of consolidating security studies in Europe. Specifically, the aims of the EISS are two-fold. The first is to develop and sustain a Europe-wide network in the field of security studies. This gives visibility to the range of individual and collective research projects that are currently underway in Europe. The second goal is to establish a forum for the exchange of ideas in order to foster new joint research projects and develop international research partnerships.

The EISS has three main characteristics: it is (1) thematically-driven and open to all theoretical approaches, (2) multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, and (3) geographically inclusive. Firstly, the EISS is not limited to one specific theoretical approach to security studies, but instead seeks to be inclusive. This is reflected, for instance, in the EISS Conference’s panels, which cover a large range of themes in the broad field of security studies. The EISS welcomes contributions on both so-called ‘traditional’ and ‘non-traditional’ security issues. Secondly, the EISS is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in that it gathers, among others, historians, political scientists, economists, geographers, anthropologists and sociologists sharing an interest in developing security studies in Europe. Finally, the EISS seeks to be as inclusive as possible from a geographical perspective. The EISS welcomes projects focusing on any region of the world. It aims to establish a European network of scholars and institutions working on a broad range of themes and geographical areas in the field of security studies. By doing so, its ambition is to help overcoming the existing fragmentation in European security studies, and thereby to foster and consolidate a European field of security studies.

The 2019 EISS Conference 
The third annual conference of the European Initiative on Security Studies will be held at Sciences Po, in Paris, on 27-28 June 2019. It is organized by the EISS board, within the framework of the French Association for the Study of War and Strategy (AEGES) and in collaboration with the Center for International Studies (CERI) of Sciences Po.

Closed & Open Panels: General Information for Submissions

The EISS Conference features both ‘closed’ and ‘open’ panels.
‘Closed’ panels focus on themes decided by the EISS (cf. the program below). Participants should send an abstract (300 words max) to the panel’s chair (cf. the chair’s email addresses and the description of the different panels below). Please make sure to send the paper abstracts directly to the panel’s chair, not to the EISS. Each panel includes four papers and the chair serves as discussant.

‘Open’ panels: participants propose a panel’s title, a chair, and four speakers. The chair serves as discussant. The proposals should include: (1) an abstract of the panel summarizing its academic goals and originality (300 words max); (2) the name and affiliation of the participants; (3) an abstract for each presentation (300 words max). The ‘open panels’ are meant to broaden the range of existing themes in the EISS and to provide greater latitude to the participants to contribute to the definition of the EISS program. Therefore, please consult the list of closed panels to avoid duplication. Please send the ‘open’ panel proposals to

Selection Criteria for Closed and Open panels: (1) quality and originality of the panel/paper proposal; (2) multidisciplinarity and/or interdisciplinarity (history, political science, sociology, etc.). The panels should focus on specific themes that can be addressed from a variety of disciplines. N.B. Each panel must also include scholars from disciplines other than political science; (3) represent different European countries/regions (western, northern, eastern, central, southern Europe), as per participants’ affiliation; (4) and allow for gender diversity.

• 15 January 2019: deadline for sending paper proposals to the panel chairs (cf. emails below) and panel proposals to the EISS (
• 15 February 2019: decision on open panels by EISS; and on papers for closed panels by chairs
• Early March 2019: final program sent to participants
• 10 June 2019: deadline for sending the full paper to the panel’s chair

Other Key Information on the EISS 2019

• The registration rate is €30 per participant

• Travel/accommodation expenses: no funding is provided by the EISS. Applicants are advised to seek funding for travel/accommodation from their home institution.

• EISS Partner Institutions: as a general rule, by accepting to cover the travel/accommodation of its participants, each university accepts to be included in the list of EISS Partner Institutions (which entails no other cost or contribution from the home university). If a university is not able to cover the travel/accommodation expenses, the EISS also considers applications that are individually-funded or funded by third sources.

• Conference speakers will send their complete papers to the chair ahead of the conference.

• Organization of each panel: 4 presentations (10 min. each); 20 min. discussion between chair/discussant and panelists; 30 min. Q&A with audience




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